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Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips

Have you heard the aphorism that perfection is the enemy of the good? I think it allows us some grace in order to create progress in our lives and not be held back by our own expectation. It makes me smile; it's a handy reminder.

What does Perfection Look Like?

Record Scratch….actually, this week I’m going to suggest we briefly let go of that wholesomeness and steep ourselves in some daydreaming and perfection chasing…

It’s Ok, I’m just suggesting that you think about what your ideal work day would look like, your perfect day, in fact. Jot it down, how does the morning start? What tasks will absorb your attention? What projects will energise you? What will the end of your perfect work day feel like?

What values and needs does this exercise unearth in you?

I'm cheering you on Reader


Looing to turn your daydreams into reality, but not sure where to get started? Book a free 30 minute coaching session with me today. I can help you to turn those values and needs into a plan. Let's bring "perfection" and "the good" onto the same team.

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Beverley Kotey

Providing holistic wellbeing support for senior-level black professional women through: 121 coaching, online courses and public speaking.

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