
Beverley Kotey

Providing holistic wellbeing support for senior-level black professional women through: 121 coaching, online courses and public speaking.

Finding the things you love
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đź“ŚWW Quick Tipđź“ŚFind what brings joy

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips Gardening has been a revelation for me. I moved to a place with a big garden during lockdown, the garden has entertained, amused, enthused, frustrated, challenged and captivated me since 2020. To this day it has not let me go. What activities bring you positive emotions? This week, what if you took the time to identify the things you do that put a smile on your face, keep you occupied and leave you feeling just enough challenge and stretch? Does that sound like...

How about clearing your mind ?

WW - Quick Tips Sometimes it feels like I’m glued to my computer, do you ever feel like that? The “to-do” list is never ending, leaving me feeling bogged down and drained. Those are days when I’m comedically far from reaching my 10,000 steps. I mean, in different universes, because I'm so welded to the list. What if you gave yourself a strategic and refreshing demi-break? This week for your Wednesday Wellness, why don’t you try pausing for a few minutes (it might be your lunch break, it might...

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tip My inherited tortoise is no good at hugs. When I’m holding home-grown cabbage, I’m flavour of the month and practically chased around the garden. But standing on my foot to get to the food, does not a hug make. What if you had a boost in your arms all along? This week, consider the power of your hugs and how to use that power for good. If you can, why not try a daily hugging habit and see if it enhances closeness and maybe even intimacy (where appropriate) with...

bunch of green beans

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips Hello Reader and welcome to September. My word for 2024, was consistency and I was good at it. By that I mean it did drive me to do some new would-be habits regularly, but then I realised that not having an actual plan for change meant I got overwhelmed and soon stopped with “Mission consistency”. What if you attached the "yay-fun" stuff with the "sigh-necessary" stuff? It’s a simple idea, but, what if you paired the dull but necessary tasks in your life (I...

photo of multicolored can wall decor with motivational quote

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips Have you heard the aphorism that perfection is the enemy of the good? I think it allows us some grace in order to create progress in our lives and not be held back by our own expectation. It makes me smile; it's a handy reminder. What does Perfection Look Like? Record Scratch….actually, this week I’m going to suggest we briefly let go of that wholesomeness and steep ourselves in some daydreaming and perfection chasing… It’s Ok, I’m just suggesting that you...

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips Hello Reader, how are you? I spent Monday feeling a bit down, I’d hoped for an England win on Sunday, so the grey sky kinda matched my Monday mood. What if we feed off the small stuff? This week you could lift your mood and luxuriate in the positives in your life with this quick tip. Grab a small notebook (you could store it in your handbag, have it on your desk or on an app). Jot down moments that make you smile through the course of the day. By noting the...

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips Start spreading the kindness this week Reader How about the ultimate re-gift ? I stopped a woman in the street last week and told her how much I loved her dress. It turns out that her beautiful summer dress was from one of the Chinese discount websites and was comfortable enough for perimenopause days. She told me all this with a big, beautiful smile. In turn, I walked away with my own big smile plastered across my face. This week's tip is about how you can...

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips Happy Wednesday and Happy Election week Reader Why should you love the one you are with? I caught myself being rude about myself the other day. I’d done something admittedly a bit daft and started to berate myself. Then I stopped in my tracks, because remembered: if I can’t direct kindness and understanding towards meeee, how can I expect anyone else to do so? This week’s tip is to help us all to foster a healthier relationship with our selves. What would...

Yes, I am taking all this very seriously. Hello friends, I'm taking a break from basking in sunshine to drop you a quick line about Beverley Five-0 and your presence and presents.... You kind, generous souls have asked about birthday presents. Any one who has helped (or watched) me move house knows that I have A LOT of stuff, and I let the entire Marie Kondo thing pass me by (cos, I might need each and every one of those 56 squillion plastic takeaway lids with no bottoms, you know). With that...

Wednesday Wellness - Quick Tips How would you like to save money and eat well? What if you could save money and eat well? It's Wednesday, this week's wellness tip brings you seasonal eating for the health of your mind/body and purse. Eating seasonally not only supports your health but can also help you save money on food (after the price hikes in the last few years, we could all do with this, I'm sure). How to embrace seasonal eating? Incorporate fresh, local produce into your meals. Seasonal...